
The OG Octoshroom honors the intergalactic mycelial mesh that connects us all. Inspired by the outline of Terrence McKenna’s personal letterhead. Terrence spoke at length about cephalopod language, and how octopodes communicate visually in a dance.

Scissor Wizard

Scissor Wizard Dana of Oregon custom dyes organic fabrics, sews layers on top of one another, and cuts out patterns to reveal the layers underneath.
John Hutton

John whos intricate inkwork reconnects us to our relationship with the natural world.
Pictured is his old screen of ‘Mni Wiconi : Water is Life’. His current screen replaces ‘Mni Wiconi’ with the phases of the moon.
How to Attach Patches
Methods vary :
You can start our safety pinning your patches to try out placements { be careful as pins have a tendency to snag and open }
Once you have your placement preferences sorted, you can sew your patches on, or take them to you local fabric worker who can sew them on for you!
Options to consider : sewing patches on with the upper side open so that they turn into pockets { put backings on delicate fabric patches or embroidery } You can also add a snap or button / hole for greater security of belongings.
You may also explore ironing patches on with a glue medium, although sewing them on will be more durable and less likely to peel off.
If you like to frequently change the placement or patches you wear, consider backing them with Velcro or buttons & snaps in each corner.