A Sacred Space Suit is Cosmic Creature Container cueing us to behave in our bodies as Sacred Space.
When our second skin serves as a suggestion of our sacred animal nature we inhabit our physical vessels with increased intention.
Inhabit with Intention

When we immediately integrate our insights, we become intention incarnate. Through encoding these meanings in material signals and sigils, they serve as material manifestation meditations.
Textile Tattoo
SSS is a shifting second skin – as you change & grow you can add patches, revealing those you choose through fabric draping & flashing forms selectively in dance. SSS encourage experimenting with expression and tracking the changes in how others interact with you. If you find yourself flitting between characters or preferences frequently, you can back your patches with Velcro for easy adornment alteration.
SSS are a physical metaphor reminding us we can shed the skin of our ego and the stories that no longer serve us. We can remake ourselves, enrobing in sigils & symbols that inspire our intention.